Doctoral Consortium Chair:
Antonello Rizzi, University of Rome - "Sapienza", Italy
Important Deadlines:
Doctoral Consortium Submission: July 21, 2014
Author Notification: August 1, 2014
Camera Ready and Registration: August 21, 2014
The 6th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI)
- IJCCI 2014 ( will hold a Doctoral Consortium on
Computational Intelligence providing an opportunity for graduate students to
explore their research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the
guidance of a panel of distinguished experts in the field.
The Doctoral Consortium will provide students with an opportunity to:
- Present their research work in a relaxed and supportive environment;
- Receive feedback and suggestions from peers and experienced faculty;
- Gain an overview of the breadth and depth of computational intelligence;
- Obtain insight into directions for computational intelligence research taken by other doctoral candidates;
- Discuss concerns about research, supervision, the job market, and other issues;
- Network with peers and future colleagues
The paper that a PhD student can submit until July 21 needs to be written in a specific format, appropriate for facilitating the aforementioned discussion, therefore it is expected to be a much simpler paper and definitely not a regular paper.
There will be a review and selection process and the accepted papers will be included in the CD-ROM that also includes the proceedings of the conference. Additionally, the papers of the Doctoral Consortium presented at the venue will also be included in the SCITEPRESS Digital Library. However, they will not be included in the book of proceedings as archival publications therefore they will remain free of copyright and the registration will be a "student registration".
Should you have any question or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me.
Проект BG051PO001-3.3.06-0052 „Формиране на нова генерация от изследователи в областта на математиката, информатиката и компютърните науки чрез подкрепа на творческия и иновативен потенциал на докторанти, постдокторанти и млади учени във ФМИ на СУ”
Проектът се осъществява с финансовата подкрепа на Оперативна програма „Развитие на човешките ресурси“, съфинасирана от Европейския социален фонд на Европейския съюз.